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Deprecated HTML tags list

Tag Description Alternate
applet Deprecated. Specifies an applet
basefont Deprecated. Specifies a base font
center Deprecated. Specifies centered text text-align
dir Deprecated. Specifies a directory list
embed Deprecated. Embeds an application in a document
font Deprecated. Specifies text font, size, and color font-family, font-size
isindex Deprecated. Specifies a single-line input field
listing Deprecated. Specifies listing of items pre
menu Deprecated. Specifies a menu list
plaintext Deprecated. Specifies plaintext pre
s Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text text-decoration
strike Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text text-decoration
u Deprecated. Specifies underlined text text-decoration
xmp Deprecated. Specifies preformatted text pre