The project is no longer supported, registration of new users is closed, all subscriptions will be canceled on December 31, 2023. Thank you for being with us all this time!

Comparaison des prix

Options du premier plan
RankActive Moz
Prix $29.95 $99.00
Site web 5 5
Mots clés 250 300
Moteurs de recherche 5 4
Backlinks suivis 1000 Illimité
Pages analysées 5000 250000
Concurrents 5 3
Vérification orthographique 🚫 🚫
Options du deuxième plan
RankActive Moz
Prix $69.95 $149
Sites web 25 10
Mots clésPar compte 2500 750
Moteurs de recherche 5 4
Backlinks suivis 2500 Illimité
Pages analysées 20000 500000
Concurrents 10 3
Vérification orthographique 🚫
Options du troisième plan
RankActive Moz
Price $149.95 $249.00
Websites 50 25
Keywords 10000 1900
Search engines 10 4
Backlinks monitored 7500 Unlimited
Pages crawled 50000 1250000
Competitors 20 3
Spell checking 🚫
Options du quatrième plan
RankActive Moz
Prix $76.95-$805.95 $599.00
Sites web 50 100
Mots clés 5000-100000 7500
Moteurs de recherche 10 4
Backlinks suivis 0-50000 Illimité
Pages analysées 0-150000 1250000
Concurrents 10-20 3
Vérification orthographique 🚫

Comparaison des caractéristiques

Common features
RankActive Moz
Overall data by all projects
Client/staff access
Multi-filtration in the tables 🚫
Rank Tracking features
RankActive Moz
Search Engines tracked Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Google Maps, Google Mobile, Google Map Pack, Google Blogs, Google News Google, Yahoo, Bing
Local Rank tracking
Daily Rank tracking 🚫
Check of rankings in any GEO
Comparison of keywords' position by dates
Search depth 100 500
Free Ranking updates 🚫
Visibility value
Search Volume information
Estimated traffic value
Historical data
SERP snapshot 🚫
Snippet snapshot 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV
Export to PDF
Analytics features
RankActive Moz
Integrations Google Analytics Google Analytics
Traffic overview
Sources overview
Goals overview 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV
Export to PDF
Competitors tracking features
RankActive Moz
Editable list of competitors
Traffic details 🚫
Competitors' rankings
Visibility value
Search volume information 🚫
Estimated Traffic value 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV
Export to PDF 🚫
Site Auditor features
RankActive Moz
Duplicate meta tags
Duplicate content 🚫
Status Code check
Canonical tag
Readability Index 🚫
Load time 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV 🚫
Export to PDF 🚫
Title length
Description length
H1, H2, H3 count 🚫
Outlinks 🚫
Page size 🚫
Broken links 🚫
Invalid images alt 🚫
Spell checking 🚫
Backlinks monitor features
RankActive Moz
Backlinks analysis
Backlinks sources Ahrefs In-house
New/Lost backlinks 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV
Export to PDF 🚫
Reporting features
RankActive Moz
Scheduled reports
Comparison of different periods 🚫
Export to Excel/CSV 🚫
Export to PDF
Branded reports
White-label features
RankActive Moz
Custom domain/subdomain 🚫
Client/staff access 🚫
Option of using own SMTP 🚫

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