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RankActive Plate-forme SEO tout-en-un

It has it all

In-house backlinks database

More than 1 Petabyte backlinks database

Full list of backlinks

Track your website backlinks

Spy on your competitors

Spy your competitors' backlinks

Backlinks intersection

Easiest way to find backlinks opportunities - to find intersection of your competitors' backlinks.

Broken links finder

Find and easily fix your broken links.

Metrics for every page

Detailed metrics for every page

New and lost backlinks

Watch your lost and new backlinks

Referring pages and domains chart

Track the dynamics of your backlinks profile

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Backlinks checker is one of the most important tools

Back link checker software: where to start?

Backlink is a link from another site which directs towards your website. It is known that the more backlinks you get the higher your site is going to be in search engine ranking. Further, it is a proven driver of business growth.
However, since the last Google Penguin algorithm update the quality of backlinks is really important. Dead links or irrelevant links won’t help to achieve the goal. Moreover, big amount of irrelevant backlinks, spam backlinks or backlinks from link farms can get your site banned.
So in order to take care of your site you should use dead link checker or backlinks checker tool. The backlink checker allows you to monitor how many backlinks you have. In the net you can find a variety of back links checker free. Some of them provide detailed information, some only amount of links. Also to make wise decisions you need not only the number of backlinks but also their quality. It enables you to identify harmful backlinks and get rid of them. To do that try to contact the site’s owner and ask him to remove the link. If he ignores you or refuses to disconnect use Google Disavow Tool.

Analyze the best backlinks metrics for your website

To keep a close watch on the site’s ranking you need a backlinkchecker and probably the best backlink checker you can get.
So meet part of RankActive platformBacklinks module. It has friendly interface and possesses its own link database to pull data from. Besides, its database can be compared to Google back link checker and is much more massive than the one of backlink checker moz. Actually, if you doubt it you can compare RankActive to its competitors. Those who grieve for Yahoo backlink checker may find comfort in RankActive which is as powerful and as effective.
Thanks to huge database bulk backlink checker will show you all the incoming links.
Free backlink checker tool provides you with full data on amount of nofollow backlinks, dofollow backlinks, text backlinks and image backlinks…
If you are wondering: how many backlinks do I have, you can see all your backlinks absolutely free. You just type the site’s URL and hit enter. To do it you don’t need any registration. You can try here as many sites as you want.

RankActive – see your backlinks in real-time

But if you can spare a few minutes to sign up on the platform RankActive you get additional options. You will be able to check your backlink in real time; it enables you to make quick informed decisions. You won’t have to rely on your intuition. Graphs and tables will show you which incoming links are helpful to your SEO strategy and which are not. Also you will see if some links were removed too soon because Backlink module provides statistics on gained and lost backlinks as well. Detailed information on website’s backlinks makes you cognizant of what’s happening with your trademark outside your site.
Using backlink checker helps you to discover correlation between your activity at the site and number of incoming links. Optimizing your existing backlinks you can improve site’s ranking. Besides, it won’t harm to check your friends by discovering who is linking to you. And maybe you could return them the favor.
Signing up you get access to tables of detailed information on your backlinks. Besides, you can group the table data and use the column filtration to get only the desired data to display.
The fully functional trial is available for 14 days. If you have enjoyed it you can buy an account.

Report center - monitor your backlinks while checking mail

All the data provided by website link checker is available in Excel format. If you don’t want to take trouble by entering RankActive every time you want to check backlinks metrics, you can get all the data you need on your email scheduled. You can select intervals of your backlink reports. Make sure you put the right settings to the table because in the report you will get only the data determined by them. That means the columns you hid in the table won’t be included in the report. The same goes when you download the file. You can generate your reports in any possible way. It’s really convenient to be able to check your backlinks while checking mail. Also you can add your customers’ emails to enable them to get detailed information on the backlinks. So the customers don’t have to take at your word that linkbuilding strategy does well. They can monitor their progress themselves.

Monitor your competitor’s backlinks

Using seo backlink checker enables you not only to oversee backlinks of your site but to keep track of your competitor’s backlinks. Having access to this information allows you to build your campaign more effectively. You can learn from your competitor’s strategy. What he had changed on his site and what result he has got. Investigating competitor’s backlinks you can discover useful websites on which you would like to see your backlinks. Contact the site’s owner in order to put on the site your backlinks as well. Tracking your competitor’s incoming links you can discover a relevant forum. If a member of that community recommends your services you can increase your ranking. Of course make sure that the backlink looks natural otherwise it won’t work.
Backlink analyzer can monitor for you if the competitor published guest posts in blogs or gave interview on any sites or was mentioned on yellow pages websites. Knowing all this you can follow his suit and get the best of your competitor’s link building strategy. Certainly replicating his actions isn’t enough to be at the top of Google search results but it is a good start of your SEO campaign.

Ready to try?

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